I use the phrase "lying scumbag" too often. I should really reserve it for people like Lance Armstrong. For starters, I'm convinced that he cheated in cycling. In fact, I'm convinced that almost all cyclists at that level use whatever means necessary for their bodies to utilize oxygen more efficiently, be it blood-doping or whatever. I don't even care that he cheated if everyone does it. What annoys me is that he constantly laughs in the face of his detractors. It's as if he gets more joy out of having gotten away with cheating than he did with actually winning the Tour de France. His stint as host of the ESPYs made me throw up in my mouth a little. It's as if he's yelling, "Here I am. I cheated. You can't catch me!" The whole thing makes me sick.
Then, as if that isn't enough, he divorced his wife with three children under the age of four. I mean, his Tour de France winning streak lasted longer than his marriage. And why? Because he cared more about it.
I just think he's a jerk, and I think it's an absolute shame that America equates those little yellow wristbands with him and strength. Yes, he beat cancer. Good for him. But there are plenty of good, honest people out there with cancer about whom America doesn't give a crap. Do we have to glorify a cheater?